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Understand the Context: Recognize Microaggressions
“If my male colleague got a scholarship that I did not, I was supposed to be very happy for him and excited and celebrate. But when I received a scholarship that he didn’t get, he blamed it on the fact that I was a woman and that they probably gave me the scholarship to fulfill a quota of minorities in science and engineering!”
“If I disagree with something my advisor says, he says I’m being rude, mean, or snappy. He even made a comment to a lab mate that I have a short temper, and the lab mate responded, ‘I've never seen Samantha get upset over anything.” If I stand up for myself, I’m treated like the ‘angry black woman.’”
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
- Learn how to define microaggressions.
- Learn how to identify the different types of microaggressions in a STEM context.
- Learn how to use micro interventions to challenge microaggressions.
Microaggressions are “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color” (Sue et al., 2007). The definition of microaggressions has been expanded to include a variety of groups with minority identities, including women and LGBTQ individuals.
Because of the male-dominated environment that often exists in STEM programs, women, people of color, and LGBTQ individuals may experience microaggressions from peers, faculty, staff or others. For example, people with minority identities in STEM may experience environmental microaggressions, meaning that their environment does not promote representation or inclusion.
Students in STEM may not see themselves and their identities represented among peers, faculty, class material, or other sources (Miles & Brockman, 2020). This can lead to feelings of invisibility. A message of “you don’t belong here” is conveyed, leading some to feel unwelcome and excluded (Wilkins-Yel, Hyman, & Zounlone, 2019).
At the same time, environmental microaggressions may create feelings of hypervisibility; see the Challenges Faced by Women of Color for more information. Because women, people of color, and LGBTQ students are underrepresented in STEM, students with these identities may feel watched or scrutinized (Wilkins-Yel, Hyman, & Zoynlome, 2019).
In addition to environmental microaggressions, students outside of privileged groups in STEM may experience behavioral microaggressions. These include verbal and nonverbal behaviors from peers, faculty, or staff that are offensive toward individuals with minority identities, often causing them to question their place in STEM (Miles & Brockman, 2020).
Below, you will read about different types of behavioral microaggressions, including microinvalidations, microinsults, and microassaults. You will also read about common themes of microaggressions, using examples that women students in STEM may experience.
The following table is adapted from Sue et al. (2007) and Sue et al. (2008). Examples are adapted from Alexander and Herman (2015); Anderson, Sánchez, Retna, & Rasgado-Flores (2020); Barthelemy, McCormick, and Henderson (2016); and Miles and Brockman (2020).
MICROINVALIDATIONS Microinvalidations are communications, including verbal thoughts and nonverbal behaviors, that exclude, negate, or dismiss the thoughts, feelings, and realities of a marginalized group. While these behaviors are typically unintentional and unconscious, they are dismissive of individuals based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, or other identity. |
Theme |
Definition |
Example |
Message conveyed |
Alien in own land |
When Asian American and Latinx American individuals are assumed to be foreign-born. |
During an orientation event, Sonja, a Latina first-year doctoral student studying mathematics, shares that she is from Texas. A fellow student, Joseph, says “Sure, but where are you actually from?” |
You are not actually American. You are a foreigner here. |
Color blindness |
Statements that indicate that a white person does not want to acknowledge race. |
Nia, a Black woman and doctoral student, informs the members of her group project that she cannot meet that afternoon because she has a National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) meeting. Tom, a White man, rolls his eyes, and says “What’s the point of that? Why do you all have to make everything about race?” |
Race is not important, and conversations about race are not welcome. |
Myth of meritocracy |
Statements which assert that race or gender does not play a role in life successes. |
Faculty members from a chemistry doctoral program at a PWI host a diversity and inclusion seminar to detail their efforts to recruit and retain underrepresented groups. Sean, a male student, says “Why do they get special treatment? I worked hard to get into this program.” |
Marginalized identities, such as race, gender, and sexual orientation, do not contribute to an individual’s success in the U.S. |
Denial of individual racism, sexism, or heterosexism |
A statement made when individuals in privileged groups deny their biases. |
During a class discussion, Julia notices that a male peer continually interrupts her. When she approaches her peer, he says “What does gender have to do with this? I treat everyone equally.” |
I am not capable of sexism, and I am unwilling to examine my biases. |
Invisibility |
Interactions that fail to recognize the presence or contribution of a non-prototypical person. |
Tatiana is a Black woman studying physics. Tatiana answered a question during a class discussion, and her classmates did not engage with her answer. A few minutes later, Tyler, a white man, reiterated Tatiana’s point. The topic then became a point of discussion. |
The viewpoints of women of color are not as valued or important as individuals with privileged identities, such as white men. |
MICROINSULTS Microinsults are communications, including verbal comments or nonverbal behaviors, that convey rudeness or insensitivity towards marginalized groups. While these actions are typically unintentional and unconscious, they convey a hidden message that demeans a person’s race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. |
Theme |
Definition |
Example |
Message Conveyed |
Ascription of intelligence |
Assigning a degree of intelligence to a person of color and/or woman due to their race/gender. |
Paige is a third-year doctoral student of color studying Engineering. While operating lab equipment, her labmate, David, turns to Joseph, another male labmate, and says “does she really know how to use that?” |
People of color and women are less intelligent than White men. |
Second class citizen |
Occurs when a member of a privileged group is given preferential treatment over a target group member. |
Sue, an Asian woman who is a doctoral student studying Chemical Engineering, is in a group project with 3 male peers. As the group is dividing tasks, Sue notices that she is assigned fewer tasks than her male colleagues, and she perceives her tasks as easier. When Sue asks for more responsibility, John says “It’s alright, we can handle it.” |
Women are less capable than men, particularly in STEM fields. |
Pathologizing cultural values/communication styles |
The notion that the values and communication styles of the dominant/White culture are superior |
Kayla, a Black doctoral student studying civil engineering, is discussing her research interests with a group of male peers. A colleague says “I know that you’re passionate but there’s no need to be so loud about it.” |
You must assimilate to the dominant (White) culture. |
Assumption of criminality |
A person of color is presumed to be dangerous, criminal, or deviant based on their race |
The PI in a computer science lab discovers that a number of pieces of equipment were stolen from the lab. He chooses to question Talia, a Latina woman who is a member of the lab, first. Even after proving that she was not in the lab during the period in which the equipment was taken, the PI remains suspicious. |
People of color are more dangerous than White people. |
Assumption of abnormality |
Occurs when it is implied that there is something wrong with being LGBTQ. |
Lilian reports that she is bringing her partner to an end-of-year lab get-together. A male colleague asks “What’s your boyfriend’s name?” When Lilian reports that her partner is a woman, her male peer appears uncomfortable. |
Heterosexuality is the default, and being LGBTQ is abnormal. |
Sexual objectification |
Occurs when women are treated like objects at men’s disposal. |
Samantha, a fourth-year doctoral student in astronomy, is presenting at a poster conference. She notices that many men are approaching her. They ask her surface level questions and do not fully engage with her research. Samantha worries that she is being approached due to her gender and/or appearance. The following year, Samantha wears glasses, pulls her hair back, and wears a pantsuit, in order to appear more “professional.” |
Women are solely valued for their appearance, rather than their intellect. |
Traditional gender role prejudice and stereotyping |
Occurs when expectations of traditional roles or stereotypes are conveyed. |
Kaitlin is a doctoral student studying biochemistry who recently had a baby. She asks a male professor for a recommendation letter for an externship. The professor denies Kaitlin, stating that he believes her role as a mother will interfere with her career in STEM. |
Women do not belong in the STEM workforce. A woman’s role is to serve as a wife and mother. |
Use of sexist/heterosexist language |
Terms that exclude or degrade women and LGBTQ persons. |
Sarah and Tim are first-year doctoral students in mechanical engineering. Tim asks Sarah, “Why didn’t you pick a lady engineering field, like biology?” |
STEM fields where women are more represented, such as Biology, are lesser than predominantly male fields. |
Sexist, racist, or homophobic jokes |
Crude jokes about marginalized groups |
Dr. Hill, a Black woman, is hired as a faculty member in a chemistry program. She is the only faculty member in the program who is a Woman of Color. Joanna, Caleb, and Nate, three doctoral students in the program, are discussing her hire. Caleb says “let’s just hope she doesn’t do any grading while she’s on her time of the month.” As a woman, Joanna is offended by this joke. |
Women are too “hormonal” or “emotional” to hold leadership positions, particularly in academia. |
MICROASSAULTS Microassaults include blatant verbal, behavioral, or environmental attacks that are discriminatory towards marginalized groups. These overt displays of racism, sexism, or homophobia are intended to hurt the target. Using slurs or displaying visual representations of bigotry, such as swastikas, are examples of microassaults. |
Microaggressions are ubiquitous for people with marginalized identities. For diverse women in STEM, where the presence of women is already slim, the consequences of cumulative microaggressions can be serious.
- Social isolation: Women in STEM, particularly Women of Color, often lack a network of people who share their gender/racial identity. Without having people to relate to, they may feel alone and lack a sense of community and belonging (Anderson, Sanchez, Reyna, & Rasgado-Flores, 2020).
- Pressure to prove ability and competence: Microaggressions that convey to women and People of Color that they are less intelligent may lead to feelings of pressure to prove their ability to succeed in STEM (Anderson, Sanchez, Reyna, & Rasgado-Flores, 2020).
- Trauma: Microaggressions, including racial microaggressions, may predict trauma symptoms (Nadal, Erazo, & King, 2020).
- Mental health: Microaggressions have been linked to negative mental health symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and negative affect (Nadal, Griffin, Wong, & Hamil, 2014).
Because many microaggressions are unintentional and unconscious, individuals who enact them may be unaware of their impact on others. Strategies exist to bring microaggressions to the awareness of the person sending these messages. They are called micro interventions, or “everyday words or deeds, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate to targets of microaggressions their value as a person, affirmation of their identities, support and encouragement, and a sense of belonging” (Sue et al., 2019, p. 128). Examples of microinterventions that can be used by the targets of microaggressions can be found in the Gender and Sexual Minorities module.
It is not, nor should it be, the responsibility of individuals who experience oppression to educate others or stop discrimination. Additionally, women, People of Color, and other marginalized groups in STEM may feel unsafe confronting microaggressions. They may fear retaliation from advisors, mentors, or other people in power.
Because of this, the following examples demonstrate how bystanders, those who are present but not involved, may use microinterventions to express their support to individuals in STEM with minority identities. These strategies can be adapted by the target of the microaggression should that person feel safe and empowered to advocate for themselves. The following illustrations are based on the earlier examples of microaggressions.
MICROAGGRESSION: Sue, an Asian woman who is a doctoral student studying chemical engineering, is in a group project with three male peers. As the group is dividing tasks, Sue notices that she is assigned fewer tasks than her male colleagues, and she perceives her tasks as easier. When Sue asks for more responsibility, John says “It’s alright, we can handle it.” METACOMMUNICATION: Sue is not capable of handling difficult tasks.
MICROINTERVENTIONS: As a bystander, Tyler, another group member, can: |
Make the invisible visible |
Bring the microaggression to the forefront of the person’s awareness. |
Undermine the metacommunication. A metacommunication is hidden communication that may be outside of the individual’s conscious awareness. |
“Sue is capable of doing this project too. Let’s re-delegate so it’s more fair.” |
Stand up for yourself or others |
“Sue’s just as smart as we are. We should divide the tasks equally.” |
Express that the microaggression was hurtful |
Name and make the metacommunication explicit |
“I could be wrong, but it seems like you want Sue to do less work because she is a woman. That implies her gender makes her less intelligent.” |
Encourage the perpetrator to consider the impact and meaning of what was said/done or, in the case of the bystander, what was not said/done. |
Challenge the stereotype |
“Women are just as intelligent and able to succeed in STEM as men.” |
Broaden the ascribed trait |
“There are intelligent people of all genders who succeed in STEM.” |
Ask for clarification |
“How come we’re not dividing the tasks equally?” “Could you be hesitant to delegate more tasks to Sue because she is a woman?” |
MICROAGGRESSION: Dr. Hill, a Black woman, is hired as a faculty member in a chemistry program. She is the only faculty member in the program who is a woman of color. Joanna, Caleb, and Nate, three doctoral students in the program, are discussing her hire. Caleb says “let’s just hope she doesn’t do any grading while she’s on her time of the month.” METACOMMUNICATION: Dr. Hill is too “emotional” or “hormonal” to make objective decisions, such as grading.
MICROINTERVENTIONS: As a bystander, Nate can: |
Disarm the microaggression |
Stop or deflect the microaggression |
Express disagreement |
“That joke isn’t okay.” |
Encourage the individual who stated the microaggression to immediately consider their actions |
"I just don’t agree with that joke.” “That’s not how I view the situation.” |
Communicate your disagreement or disapproval in the moment |
State values and set limits |
“I know you were just making a joke, but it was hurtful. I value respect and inclusion, and I would appreciate it if you were more respectful.” |
Describe what is happening |
“Jokes like that are hurtful. Even if the person you are talking about isn’t here, it still makes others uncomfortable.” |
Use an exclamation |
“Ouch!” “Wow.” |
Use nonverbal communication |
Shaking head. Looking away. Covering mouth with hand. |
Interrupt and redirect |
“Whoa, let’s not make those jokes. We should get to class.” |
Remind them of the rules |
“That behavior is against our code of conduct and could get you in trouble.” |
MICROAGGRESSION: Paige is a third-year doctoral student of color studying engineering. While operating lab equipment, her labmate, David, turns to Joseph, another male labmate, and says “does she really know how to use that?” METACOMMUNICATION: Paige is less capable due to her gender and/or race.
MICROINTERVENTIONS: As the bystander, Joseph may: |
Educate the offender |
Engage in a one-on-one dialogue with the perpetrator to indicate how and what they have said is offensive to you or others |
Differentiate between intent and impact (see Women of Color module for more) |
“It seems like you didn’t mean to be hurtful with that question, but you implied that Paige is less capable than us. Since it was only Paige you asked about, it makes me wonder if your question was due to her gender or race. What do you think? |
Facilitate a possibly more enlightening conversation and exploration of the perpetrator’s biases |
Appeal to the offender’s values and principles |
“I know you value hard work. Paige has put in just as much work as we have to learn lab procedures. I think it’s important that we respect her abilities too.” |
Encourage the perpetrator to explore the origins of their beliefs and attitudes towards targets |
Point out the commonality |
“I think that you and Paige have similar research interests. Being more respectful towards her might help you to form a good working relationship with her.” |
Promote empathy |
“It’s a negative stereotype that women and people of color in STEM are less capable. I can’t help but wonder how you would feel if someone asked that question about you due to your race or gender.” |
Point out how they benefit |
“Treating Paige with respect and being more inclusive will create a better environment for our lab. We’ll be more productive if we can all get along.” |
Seek external reinforcement or support |
Send a message to perpetrators at large that bigoted behavior will not be tolerated or accepted |
Alert leadership (see Challenges Facing Women of Color module for more on how faculty advisors can support students) |
Ask to speak to someone who has authority. |
Report |
Report the incident in person or through anonymous online portals. |
Partake in regular self-care to maintain psychological and physical wellness |
Therapy/counseling |
Paige may seek out individual counseling with culturally competent providers for self-care and well-being. |
Spirituality/religion/ community |
Paige may turn to community leaders or members for support. |
Check in with self and others to ensure optimal functioning |
Buddy system |
Paige may choose a friend with whom she can always check in and process discriminatory experiences |
Support group |
Paige may join a support group such as “current events group” that meets weekly to process issues concerning minorities. |
For specific examples of using microinterventions, see Sexual and Gender Minorities. For more strategies for addressing microaggressions, consider forms of microresistance (Ganote, Cheung, & Souza, 2016) and see the "disrupting, dismantling, and disarming microaggressions” section of Challenges Faced by Women of Color.
Individuals who experience microaggressions often internalize them, leading to the above negative effects. Here are some strategies suggested by women of color in STEM graduate programs for combatting this (from Wilkins-Yel, Hyman, & Zounlome, 2019).
Seek Support and Regain Control
- Focus on what is within your control.
- Find ways to “let out” your feelings through writing or talking to someone you trust.
- Establish a trustworthy support network through peers, colleagues, and faculty.
- Expand your support network beyond your academic department. Join professional organizations for individuals with your identities, attend conferences, etc.
- Let your work “speak for itself.” Continue to have confidence and speak up.
- Remember that you are not alone in your experiences. There are many others with minority identities in STEM who can relate and are “in your corner.”
Recall your strengths
Remember that admission into a STEM program is a difficult feat. It is an accomplishment that reflects hard work, dedication, and skill. Despite challenges and doubts, it is important to remember the abilities and talents that brought you to where you are.
Change the field
Remember that your hard work is paving the way for future students. Your visibility in STEM programs makes a difference.
For a more in-depth understanding of how microaggressions uniquely affect Women of Color and ways to externalize their impact, visit Challenges Faced by Women of Color. Other modules to visit include Gender and Sexual Minorities, Coping and Coping Efficacy, and Mental Health and Wellness.
Individuals in STEM with marginalized identities in terms of gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, etc. may encounter microaggressions, which can be painful. Remember that there are ways to cope. Whether that includes advocacy, social support, or coping skills, it is important to be compassionate towards yourself.
Alexander, Q. R., & Hermann, M. A. (2016). African-American women’s experiences in graduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education at a predominantly white university: A qualitative investigation. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 9(4), 307-322.
Anderson, A. J., Sanchez, B., Reyna, C., & Rasgado-Flores, H. (2020). “It just weighs in the back of your mind”: Microaggressions in science. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 26(1), 1-30.
Becker, J. C., Zawadzki, M. J., & Shields, S. A. (2014). Confronting and reducing sexism: A call for research on intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 70(4), 603-614.
Barthelemy, R. S., McCormick, M., & Henderson, C. (2016). Gender discrimination in physics and astronomy: Graduate student experiences of sexism and gender microaggressions. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12.
Ganote, C., Cheung, F., & Souza, T. (2016). Responding to microaggressions with microresistance: A framework for consideration.
Lewis, J. A., Mendenhall, R., Harwood, S. A., & Browne Hunt, M. (2016). “Ain’t I a woman?”: Perceived gendered racial microaggressions experienced by Black women. The Counseling Psychologist, 44(5), 758-780.
Lewis, J. A., Mendenhall, R., Ojiemwen, A., Thomas, M., Riopelle, C., Harwood, S. A., & Huntt, M. B. (2019). Racial microaggressions and sense of belonging at a historically white university. American Behavioral Scientist.
Miles, M., Brockman, A. J., & Naphan-Kingery, D. E. (2020). Invalidated identities: The disconfirming effects of racial microaggressions on Black doctoral students in STEM. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(10), 1608-1631.
Nadal, K. (2014). A guide to responding to microaggressions. CUNY Forum, 2(1), 71-76.…
Nadal, K. L., Erazo, T., & King, R. (2020). Challenging definitions of psychological trauma: Connecting racial microaggressions and traumatic stress. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 11(2), 1-14.
Nadal, K. L., Griffin, K. E., Wong, Y., Hamit, S., & Ramus, M. (2014). The impact of racial microaggressions on mental health: Counseling implications for clients of color. Journal of Counseling and Development, 92(1), 57-66.
Nadal, K. L., Hamit, S., Lyons, O., Weinberg, A., & Corman, L. (2013). Gender microaggressions: Perceptions, processes, and coping mechanisms of women. Psychology for Business Success, 1, 193-220.
Sue, D. W. (2010). Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation. John Wiley & Sons.
Sue, D. W., Alsaidi, S., Awad, M. N., Glaeser, E., Calle, C. Z., & Mendez, N. (2019). Disarming racial microaggressions: Micro intervention strategies for targets, white allies, and bystanders. American Psychologist, 74(1), 128-142.
Sue, D. W., Bucceri, J., Lin, A. I., Nadal, K. L., & Torino, G. C. (2007). Racial microaggressions and the Asian American experience. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 13(1), 72-81.
Sue, D. W., Capodilupo, C. M., & Holder, A. M. B. (2008). Racial microaggressions in the life experience of Black Americans. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39(3), 329-336.
Torres, L., Driscoll, M. W., & Burrow, A. L. (2010). Racial microaggressions and psychological functioning among highly achieving African-Americans: A mixed-methods approach. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(10), 1074-1099.
Wilkins-Yel, K., Hyman, J., & Zounlome, N. O. O. (2019). Linking intersectional invisibility and hypervisibility to experiences of microaggressions among graduate women of color in STEM. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 113, 51-61.
Identify The Issue Side Menu
- Overview
- Recognize Sexism
- Recognize Microaggressions
- Family-Friendly Policies
- University Resources
- Online Resources and Supports
- Challenges Faced by Women of Color
- Challenges Faced by First-Generation Students
- Challenges Faced by Sexual and Gender Minorities
- Challenges Faced by International Students
- Academic Generations
- Expectations for Graduate Students
- Stakeholders
- Sexual Harassment
Explains that satisfaction comes from working with students and the opportunity to make new disco
Explains that satisfaction comes from working with students and the opportunity to make new disco
The importance of learning from mistakes and persisting despite setbacks.
The importance of learning from your effort, regardless of the outcome.
Advice on how to seek out support in graduate school and how to bounce back from setbacks.
Shares the excitement that comes from collaborating with others to make new discoveries.
Elaborates on the standard practice of science despite cultural differences.
Strategies for negotiating as a faculty member.
When it's time to graduate and when it's important to start learning on the job.
Highlights the transition into graduate level science where the answers aren't known.
The importance of goal setting and using others' experiences to make strong choices about your own p
Advice for balancing research and fun in graduate school.
Advice for students: stay focused, ask questions, and remain open-minded when working with others.
How to adapt experimental methods to match a lifestyle.
How to negotiate a schedule for raising a family and overcoming setbacks in a new career.
The importance of giving yourself credit and remembering why you are doing what you're doing.
The importance of peer relationships and the learning process that takes place despite concrete outc
Working with graduate students is a rewarding aspect of being a faculty member.
Advice for graduate students on how to maintain their confidence, courage, and dignity.
Emphasizes peer relationships and departmental climate.
How to handle being accused of having an affair with the advisor.
Explains an interdisciplinary branch of physics and the passion for research, service, and teaching.
Teaching as the impetus for work.
Discusses necessary precautions to take as a female student working late nights on campus.
Discusses necessary precautions to take as a female student working late nights on campus.
Being accused of cheating and regrets about not being more assertive.
Being accused of cheating and regrets about not being more assertive.
The importance of self-authorship and using graduate school as a process for self-definition.
Reminder that support can be found in unexpected places.
Urges female graduate students to persist in the field of mathematics because the field needs divers
How being unaware of being the only woman was advantageous to program success.
Alternatives to departmental isolation and the importance of networking.
Environmental issues faced in academia.
The importance of first impressions in choosing a graduate program.
Satisfaction comes from interacting with intelligent people across cultures.
Adjusting physical appearance to fit in with peers.
The importance of remembering that graduate school is only one part of a larger career.
Describes an incident of receiving a lower grade than a man for similar work.
The opportunity for freedom, growth, and collaboration as a faculty member.
How to survive the aftermath of a sexual harassment incident.
Highlights the gendered assumptions encountered as a faculty member.
The Importance of Having Positive Working Relationships: A Case Study
An alternative way to approach being the only woman in a given situation.
Contributions to the field are reflected through choices.
The importance of sharing stories of sexual harassment with others to gain support.
The importance of finding the right advisor to support your research goals.
How to handle being accused of having an affair with the advisor.
Explains when to confront a problem and when it may be better to maneuver around it.
How to be upfront, direct, and assertive when confronting instances of sexual harassment.
Highlights the universal customs of science.
Class performance builds confidence to remain in program.
Captures the annoyance of male colleagues making sexist assumptions and the challenges with conferen
The importance of recognizing the progress that has been made by women in science fields.
Advice for accomplishing your academic goals without making unnecessary compromises.
Emphasizes the challenge with saying no, but the importance of learning to do so.
How to make friends with colleagues to encourage a supportive environment.
Underscores the challenges that come from being the only woman in an academic department and gives s
Highlights an experience in which peers were not only colleagues, but also friends.
How the physical space in a laboratory allowed for collaboration among colleagues.
The importance of a good leader in setting standards for diversity, climate, and tenure policies.
How to observe others' reactions to subtle comments in order to gauge an appropriate response.
Urges students not to get wrapped into issues that do not directly involve them.
Departmental reactions to the choice to have children.
How to refute sexist comments and challenge gendered assumptions.
The importance of sharing stories of sexual harassment with others and realizing that you are not al
Confronting a male colleague with contradictory findings at a conference.
How colleagues can assist in making the transition into graduate life easier by sharing information
Captures the small but noticeable annoyances that come with being the only woman.
The importance of picking your battles to avoid unfair labeling.
Reminder that it is not necessary to feel comfortable socially to do good science.
Gender stereotypes faced in getting into graduate school and conducting research.
How to seek support from administrators outside the department when dealing with departmental sexism
The first realization that being a woman in science was outside the norm.
Challenges of being international and female, particularly with regards to an academic career and th
Suggestions for how to deal with sexist comments.
Playing a variety of roles as the only woman in the department.
The process of establishing yourself in the same department as your spouse.
Emphasizes positive peer relationships within her cohort.
The challenges of working in male-dominated academic environments and the negative stereotypes assoc
The feasibility of pursuing a family and science.
The importance of hearing other people's stories.
The importance of understanding priorities and allocating resources accordingly.
Advises how to keep family informed about research goals and progression from student to faculty mem
Explains some of the setbacks in dating relationships.
Advises students to continue to pursue their education because the payoff is self-respect.
The importance of believing in yourself, admitting your mistakes, and continuing to do what you love
How to accept non-traditional relationships and lifestyles in academia.
Notes the challenges of a dual career marriage and the obstacles in fighting for tenure and balancin
The process of overcoming setbacks related to career options and personal relationships.
How to balance motherhood responsibilities in graduate school.
The importance of supportive peer relationships.
Being married in graduate school and having children as a faculty member.
Advisor's experiences encourage well-informed career decisions.
The importance of a supportive network of colleagues.
Doing something useful to make a difference and how to appreciate a happy, supportive work environme
Taking time off before pursuing her PhD.
How a supportive department and a modified teaching schedule allowed for maternity leave.
How to sustain taking time off and pursuing the PhD later in life.
Advises how to keep family informed about research goals and progression from student to faculty mem
The importance of a supportive extended family in helping to balance school and children.
The importance of having a number of things in your life that bring you joy and satisfaction.
Understanding your strengths and weaknesses, but ultimately giving yourself recognition for your suc
The importance of learning over time and remaining positive in the face of criticism.
Motivation for doing work: interacting with students and doing research that can make a difference i
Emphasizes the challenge with saying no, but the importance of learning to do so.
The importance of remaining passionate and remembering that the PhD opens doors.
The importance of defining clear goals, remaining self-confident, and learning to say no.
The importance of allowing yourself the opportunity to change your mind and reconsider your goals.
The importance of knowing what you want and expecting tradeoffs on the path to get it.
Making discoveries and collaborating with others brings satisfaction.
Creating a schedule and meeting an advisor's expectations.
Advises graduate students to take a semester off if they choose to have a child because it is too ch
Explains the role children play in career choices.
Using leisure activities to relieve stress and build friendships.
The satisfaction that comes from working with colleagues and interacting with others.
The decision to get married in graduate school.
The importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle to alleviate stress.
Addresses personal relationship sacrifices.
The importance of nurturing relationships outside of academia.
Explains the choice to have children in graduate school.
Challenges with being married to a fellow academician and finding faculty positions.
How a flexible schedule as a professor made it possible to have a family and a career.
The importance of evaluating your priorities to create balance and happiness.
Appreciation for advisor's assistance in transitioning to the US.
Emphasizes the joy in working with others and giving back to society.
Chronicles the evolution of a career over time.
Suggestions for how to increase women's participation in science with an emphasis on policy change.
The importance of being open and honest with your advisor.
How a positive advisor challenged his students to think for themselves.
Highlights the obstacles faced when trying to have research reviewed by the advisor and emphasizes t
The importance of having a variety of mentors throughout your graduate experience.
Challenges faced with establishing yourself as an independent researcher separate from an influentia
The importance of asking questions and searching for creative solutions to new problems.
The importance of finding a good advisor and making sure to get everything in writing.
Challenges in confronting the advisor with news of pregnancy.
Experiences with an international advisor.
How to maintain good relationships with colleagues while being motivated to finish the program qu
The importance of giving back to students and making an impact in their future education and care
An Arizona State University project, supported by the National Science Foundation under grants 0634519, 0910384 and 1761278
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. © 2021 CareerWISE. All rights reserved. Privacy | Legal

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